Mathias Abegg M.D.,Ph.D.

POSITION:     Post-doctoral fellow, Human Vision and Eye Movement Lab and

              Clinical fellow, Neuro-ophthalmology, Dpt of Ophthalmology and Visual Science


ADDRESS:      University of British Columbia
              Vancouver General Hospital - Eye Care Centre
              Ophthalmology Research, 3rd Floor
              Vancouver, BC V5Z 3N9

PHONE :       +1 604 875 4111 extension 62929
FAX:          +1 604 875 4302



Current Research Interests    Funding    Education    Publications




We investigate the effects of partial foreknowledge on the efficacy of saccadic and antisaccadic eye movements, we are describing conditions that lead to systematic spatial deviations of prosaccades, antisaccades and memory guided saccades and we record and quantitatively analyse eye movements of neuro-ophthalmological patients.

Our equipment consists of a video-based eyetracker (Eyelink 1000) and we have access to a 3 Tesla fMRI scanner, which is equipped with a basic eyetracking system as well.



Since December 2007 I am funded by a fellowship for advanced researchers from the Swiss Foundation for Grants in Biology and Medicine (SFGBM) and the Swiss National Science Foundation.



2004 - 2007    Ophthalmology residency at University Eye Clinic, Zurich and Department of Ophthalmology, University of Bern

2000 - 2004    International PhD Program in Neuroscience, Neuroscience Center Zurich

1999 - 2004    MD/PhD-Program at the Brain Research Institute, Zurich

1993 - 1999    Medical school in Zurich and Lausanne, Switzerland




Tappeiner C, Sarra GM and Abegg M: Abuse of Vasoconstrictive Eye Drops Mimicking an Ocular Pemphigoid. European Journal of Ophthalmology (accepted).


Hugel S, Abegg M, de Paola V, Caroni P, Gahwiler BH, McKinney RA: Dendritic Spine Morphology Determines Membrane-Associated Protein Exchange between Dendritic Shafts and Spine Heads. Cereb Cortex [Epub ahead of print] (2008).


Abegg M, Fleischhauer J, Landau K: Unilateral papilledema after trabeculectomy in a patient with intracranial hypertension. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde 225(5):441-442 (2008).


Tappeiner C, Barthelmes D, Abegg MH, Wolf S, Fleischhauer JC: Impact of optic media opacities and image compression on quantitative analysis of optical coherence tomography. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 49(4):1609-1614, (2008).


Abegg M. Rhythmic synaptic activity induced by mechanical injury of rat CA3 hippocampal area. The Journal of Neurotrauma  Sep;24(9):1536-42 (2007).


Fischer D., Fleischhauer J., Keusch G. and Abegg M. Rise in intraocular pressure during hemodialysis in a patient with reduced outflow facility The British Journal of Ophthalmology 91(8):1091-3 (2007).


Abegg M., Kurz M. and Helbig H. Retinal detachment in patients with acute retinal necrosis: a case series  Klinische Monatsblätter der Augenheilkunde 224(4):360-3 (2007).


Mori M., Abegg M.H., Gahwiler B.H. & Gerber U. A frequency-dependent switch from inhibition to excitation in a hippocampal unitary circuit. Nature 431, 453-6 (2004).


Abegg, M. H., Savic, N., Ehrengruber, M. U., McKinney, R. A. & Gahwiler, B. H. Epileptiform activity in rat hippocampus strengthens excitatory synapses. J Physiol 554, 439-48 (2004).


Schwyzer L, Mateos JM, Abegg M, Rietschin L, Heeb L, Thompson SM, Lüthi A, Gähwiler BH, McKinney RA. Physiological and morphological plasticity induced by chronic treatment with NT-3 or NT-4/5 in hippocampal slice cultures. Eur J Neurosci. 16(10):1939-48 (2002).


Abegg M, Hafezi F, Wenzel A, Grimm C und Remé Ch.E. Zelltod in der Retinitis pigmentosa: Möglichkeiten der Therapie. Klinische Monatsblätter der Augenheilkunde 216(2): 83-89 (2000).


Hafezi F, Grimm C, Wenzel A, Abegg M, Yaniv M, Remé Ch.E. Retinal photoreceptors are apoptosis-competent in the absence of JunD/AP-1. Cell Death Differ 6(10):934-936 (1999).


Hafezi F, Abegg M, Remé Ch.E. Retinal Degeneration in the Absence of c-fos. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 39(12): 2239-2244 (1998).