Janette I Lindley, MD FRCSC
1977-81 Memorial University, MD
1984-87 McGill University, Ophthalmology
1988-89 McGill University/National Hospital, Neuro-ophthalmology
1989-92 Clinical Instructor in Ophthalmology, University of British Columbia
1992-99 Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, University of British Columbia
1999- , Clinical Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, University of British Columbia
1991 Teaching Award, UBC Ophthalmology
2001 Teaching Award, UBC Ophthalmology
- Anderson DA, Holland SP, Lindley JI, Nash PA: AIDS: The St. Paul's Experience Part 1: The Ophthalmologist's Role - 43, 115-124, Am Orthoptic Jn 1993
- Engstrom RD, Holland GN, Margolis TP, Muccioli C, Lindley JI, Belfort R, Holland SP, Johnston WH, Wolitz RA, Kreiger AE: The Progressive Outer Retinal Necrosis Syndrome - A Variant of Necrotizing Herpetic Retinopathy in Patients with AIDS. Ophth 101:9,1488-1502, 1994
- Burdge DR, Voigt R, Lindley JI, Gage L, Sacks S: Correspondence: Sorivudine (BV-ara-U) for the treatment of compication refractory varicella zoster virus infection in HIV infection in HIV infected patients AIDS 9:7, 810-12, 1995
- Levinson, RD, Vann R, Davis, JL, Friedberg DN, Tufail A, Terry BT, Lindley JI, Holland GN: Chronic multifocal retinal infiltrates in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Am J Ophthalmol 125, 3, 312-325 Mar 1998
- van Dijk K, Lewallen S, Chirambo M, Gardiner J, Hoar B, Lindley J, Wade K, Courtright P: Creation and testing of a practical visual function assessment for use in Africa: correlation with visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and near vision in Malawian adults. Brit J Ophthalmol 1999;83:792-795
- Holland SP, Chang CW, Vagh M, Courtright P & St. Paul's Hospital Ocular AIDS Group: Corneal endothelial deposits in patients with HIV infection or AIDS: epidemiologic evidence of the contribution of rifabutin. Can J Ophthalmol 1999; 34:204-9
- Lewallen S, White VA, Whitten RO, Gardiner J, Hoar B, Lindley J, Lochhead J, McCormick A, Wade K, Tembo M, Mwenechanyana J, Molyneux M, Taylor T. Clinical-Histopathological Correlation of the Abnormal Retinal Vessels in Cerebral Malaria. Archives of Ophthalmol 2000;118:924-928
- Chinnery PF, Brown DT, Andrews RM, Singh-Kler R, Riordan-Eva P, Lindley J, Applegarth DA, Turnbull DM, Howell N. The mitochondrial ND6 gene is a hot spot for mutations that cause Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. Brain 2001;124:209-281
- Lalezari J, Lindley J, Walmsley S, Kupperman B, Fisher M, Friedberg D, Lalonde R, Matheron S Nieto L, Torriani F, Van Syoc R, Sutton M, Buhles W, Stempien M: A Study of Oral Valganciclovir Maintenance Treatment of Cytometalovirus Retinitis. JAIDS 30:392-400 2002
- Brownstein S, Dorey MW, Mathew B, Little JM, Lindley JI. Melanocytoma of the choroid: atypical presentation and review of the literature.
Can J Ophthalmol. 2002 Jun;37(4):247-52
- Lalonde RG, Boivin G, Deschênes J, Hodge WG, Hopkins JJ, Klein AH, Lindley JI, Phillips P, Shafran SD, Walmsley S. Canadian consensus guidelines for the management of cytomegalovirus disease in HIV/AIDS. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol 2004; 15: 327-35.