Blindsight and blindness
- Barton JJS, Sharpe JA. Motion direction discrimination in blind hemifields. Ann Neurol 1997; 41: 255-64.
- Barton JJS, Sharpe JA. Smooth pursuit and saccades to moving targets in blind hemifields. A comparison of medial occipital, lateral occipital, and optic radiation lesions. Brain 1997; 120: 681-99.
- Intriligator JM, Xie R-M, Barton JJS. Blindsight modulation of motion perception. J Cogn Neurosci 2002; 14(8): 1174-83.
- van der Stigchel S, van Zoest W, Theeuwes J, Barton JJS. The influence of ‘blind’ distractors on eye movement trajectories in hemianopic vision. J Cogn Neurosci 2008; 20: 2025-36.
- Lanyon LJ, Giaschi D, Young SA, Fitzpatrick K, Diao L, Rasool N, Bjornson BH, Barton JJS. Combined functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging analysis of extrastriate cerebral motion pathways. J Neuroophthalmol 2009; 29: 96-103.
- van der Stigchel S, Nijboer TCW, Bergsma DP, Abegg M, Barton JJS. Anomalous global effects induced by ‘blind’ distractors in visual hemifield defects. Brain Cognition 2010; 74: 66-73.
- ten Brink AF, Nijboer TCW, Bergsma DP, Barton JJS, van der Stigchel S.. Multisensory integration in visual hemifield defects: the influence of visual stimuli on aurally guided saccadic eye movements to the 'blind' hemifield. PLoSOne 2015; DOI:10.1371/ journal.pone.012205.
- Dietz C, Malaspina M, Albonico A, Barton JJS. The persistence of remote visual semantic memory following ocular blindness. Neuropsychologia 2022; 165: 108110.
Hemineglect and hemianopia
- Behrmann M, Watt S, Black SE, Barton JJS. Impaired visual search in patients with unilateral neglect: an oculographic analysis. Neuropsychologia 1997; 35: 1445-58.
- Barton JJS, Black SE. Line bisection in hemianopia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1998; 64: 660-2.
- Barton JJS, Behrmann M, Black S. Ocular search during line bisection. The effects of hemi-neglect and hemianopia. Brain 1998; 121: 1117-31.
- Nielsen K, Intriligator J, Barton JJS. Spatial representation in the normal visual field. A study of hemifield line bisection. Neuropsychologia 1999; 37: 267-77.
- Behrmann, M, Black SE, McKeeff TK, Barton JJS. Oculographic analysis of word reading in hemispatial neglect. Physiology and Behavior 2002:77: 613-9.
- Mitra AR, Abegg M, Viswanathan J, Barton JJS. Line bisection in simulated homonymous hemianopia. Neuropsychologia 2010; 48: 1742-9.
- Simpson S, Abegg M, Barton JJS. Rapid adaptation of visual search in simulated hemianopia. Cerebral Cortex 2011; 21: 1593-601.
- Ogun O, Viswanathan J, Barton JJS. The effect of central (macula) sparing on contralateral line bisection bias: a study with virtual hemianopia. Neuropsychologia 2011; 49: 3377-82.
- Grewal P, Viswanathan J, Barton JJS, Lanyon LJ. Line bisection under an attentional gradient induced by simulated neglect in healthy subjects. Neuropsychologia 2012; 50: 1190-201.
- Lanyon LJ, Barton JJS. Why visual search and line bisection differ between hemianopia and hemineglect: computational modeling of cortical mechanisms. PLoSONE 2013; 8(2): e54919: 1-20.
- Manouchehri V, Albonico A, Hemström J, Barton JJS. The impact of hemianopia on visual search for face, words and cars. Exp Brain Res 2022; Sep 7, doi: 10.1007/s00221-022-06457-w
Hallucinations and perseveration
- Merabet LB, Kobayashi M, Barton JJS, Pascual-Leone A. Suppression of complex visual hallucinatory experiences by occipital transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neurocase 2003; 9: 436-40.
- Iaria G, Fox, CJ, Scheel M, Stowe RM, Barton JJS. A case of persistent visual hallucinations of faces following LSD abuse: a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging study. Neurocase 2010; 16: 106-18.
- Van der Stigchel S, Nijboer TCW, Bergsma DP, Barton JJS, Paffen CLE. Measuring palinopsia: characteristics of a persevering visual sensation from cerebral pathology. J Neurol Sci 2012; 316: 184-8.
- Moroz D, Corrow SL, Corrow JC, Barton ARS, Duchaine B, Barton JJS. The localization and patterns of cerebral dyschromatopsia: a study of prosopagnosic subjects. Neuropsychologia 2016; 89: 153-160.
Alexia and reading
- Behrmann M, Shomstein SS, Black SE, Barton JJS. The eye movements of pure alexic patients during reading and nonreading tasks. Neuropsychologia 2001; 39: 983-1002.
- Sheldon CA, Malcolm GL, Barton JJS. Alexia with and without agraphia: a perceptual and linguistic re-analysis of two classical syndromes. Can J Neurol Sci 2008; 35: 616-24.
- Barton JJS, Fox CJ, Sekunova A, Iaria G. Encoding in the visual word form area: an fMRI-adaptation study of words versus handwriting. J Cogn Neurosci 2010; 22: 1649-61.
- Barton JJS, Sekunova A, Sheldon C, Johnston S, Iaria G, Scheel M. Reading words, seeing style: The neuropsychology of word, font and handwriting perception. Neuropsychologia 2010, 48: 3868-77.
- Sheldon C, Abegg M, Sekunova A, Barton JJS. The word-length effect in acquired alexia, real and virtual hemianopia. Neuropsychologia 2012; 50: 841-51.
- Hanif HM, Perler BL, Barton JJS. The visual representations of words and style in text: an adaptation study. Brain Res 2013; 1518: 61-70.
- Ahlén E, Hills C, Rubino C, Hanif HM, Barton JJS. Learning to read upside-down: a study of perceptual expertise and its acquisition. Exp Brain Res 2014; 232: 1025-36.
- Eklinder Björnström L, Hills C, Hanif HM, Barton JJS. Visual word expertise: a study of inversion and the word-length effect, with perceptual transforms. Perception 2014; 43: 438-50.
- Barton JJS, Hanif H, Eklinder Björnström L, Hills C. The word-length effect in reading: a review. Cogn Neuropsychol 2014; 31: 378-412.
- Muayqil T, Davies-Thompson J, Barton JJS. Representation of visual symbols in the visual word processing network. Neuropsychologia 2015; 69: 232-41.
- Bao C, Rubino C, Taylor A, Barton JJS. The effects of hemianopia on experimental studies of alexia. Neuropsychologia 2015; 70: 156-64.
- Davies-Thompson J, Johnston S, Tashakkor Y, Pancaroglu R, Barton JJS. The relationship between visual word and face processing lateralization in the fusiform gyri: a cross-sectional study. Brain Res 2016; 1644: 88-97.
- Rubino C, Yeung S, Barton JJS. The impact of macula-sparing on single-word reading in hemianopia. Cogn Neuropsychol 2016; 33(7-8): 353-61.
- Albonico A, Barton JJS. Face perception in pure alexia: complementary contributions of the left fusiform gyrus to facial identity and facial speech processing. Cortex 2017; 96: 59-72.
- Furubacke A, Albonico A, Barton JJS. Alternating dual-task interference between visual words and faces. Brain Res 2020; 147004: 1-9. .
- Feizabadi M, Albonico A, Starrfelt R, Barton JJS. Whole-object effects in visual word and face recognition. Cogn Neuropsychol 2021; 38(3): 231-57.
- Feizabadi M, Singh M, Albonico A, Barton JJS. The inversion effect in word recognition the effect of language familiarity and handwriting. Perception 2022; 51(8):578-590.
- Barton JJS, Rubino C, Albonico A, Jackson M, Davies-Thompson J. Right hemi-alexia. Cortex 2022; 157: 288-303.
- Tien M, Albonico A, Barton JJS. Faces, English words and Chinese characters: a study of dual-task interference in mono- and bilingual speakers. Exp Brain Res 2023; 241(4): 1131-44.
Topographical orientation
- Iaria G, Lanyon LJ, Fox CJ, Giaschi D, Barton JJS. Navigational skills correlate with hippocampal fractional anisotropy in humans. Hippocampus 2008;18: 335-339.
- Iaria G, Fox, CJ, Chen, J-K, Petrides M, Barton JJS. Detection of unexpected events during spatial navigation in humans: Bottom-up attentional system and neural mechanisms. Eur J Neurosci 2008; 7: 1017-25.
- Iaria G, Bogod N, Fox CJ, Barton JJS. Congenital topographical disorientation: case one. Neuropsychologia 2009; 47: 30-40.
- Iaria G, Palermo L, Committeri G, Barton.JJS. Age differences in the formation and use of cognitive maps. Behav Brain Res 2009; 196: 187-91.
- Iaria G, Barton JJS. Developmental topographic disorientation: a newly discovered cognitive disorder. Exp Brain Res 2010; 206: 189-96.
- Liu I, Levy RM, Barton JJS, Iaria G. Age and gender differences in various topographic strategies. Brain Res 2011; 1410: 112-9.
- Corrow J, Corrow SL, Lee E, Pancaroglu R, Burles CF, Duchaine B, Iaria G, Barton JJS. Getting lost: topographic skills in acquired and developmental prosopagnosia. Cortex 2016; 76: 89-103.
Bálint's syndrome
- Dalrymple KA, Kingstone A, Barton JJS. Seeing trees OR seeing forests in simultanagnosia: attentional capture can be local or global. Neuropsychologia 2007; 45: 871-5.
- Malcolm G, Barton JJS. “Sequence-agnosia” in Bálint’s syndrome: defects in visuotemporal processing after bilateral parietal damage. J Cogn Neurosci 2007; 19: 102-8.
- Barton JJS, Hefter RL, Malcolm GL. Spatial processing in Bálint syndrome and prosopagnosia: a study of three patients. J NeuroOphthalmol 2007; 27:268-74.
- Dalrymple KA, Bischof W, Cameron D, Barton JJS, Kingstone A. Global perception in simultanagnosia is not as simple as a game of connect-the-dots. Vision Res 2009; 49:1901-8.
- Dalrymple KA, Bischof W, Cameron D, Barton JJS, Kingstone A. Simulating simultanagnosia: spatially constricted vision mimics the phenomenon of local capture. Exp Brain Res 2010; 202: 445-55.
- Dalrymple KA, Birmingham E, Bischof W, Barton JJS, Kingstone A. Opening a window on attention: Documenting and simulating recovery from simultanagnosia. Cortex 2010, 47:787-99.
- Dalrymple KA, Birmingham E, Bischof W, Barton JJS, Kingstone A. Experiencing simultanagnosia through windowed viewing of complex social scenes. Brain Res 2011; 1367: 265-77.
- Dalrymple KA, Gray AK, Perler BL, Birmingham E, Bischof WF, Barton JJS, Kingstone A. Eying the eyes in social scenes: evidence for top-down control of stimulus selection in simultanagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychol 2013; 30: 25-40.
- Dalrymple KA, Barton JJS, Kingstone A. A world unglued: Simultanagnosia as a spatial restriction of attention. In: The enigma of Bálint’s syndrome: complexity of neural substrates and cognitive deficits. Chechlacz M, Humphreys G (eds), Front Human Neurosci 2013; 7(art 145) 1-10.
Motion perception and smooth pursuit
- Barton JJS, Raymond J, Sharpe JA. Retinotopic and directional defects in motion direction discrimination after human cerebral lesions. Ann Neurol 1995; 37: 665-75.
- Barton JJS, Simpson TL, Rizzo M, Nawrot M. The effect of optical blur on motion perception in random dot cinematograms. Vision Res 1996; 36: 3051-9.
- Barton JJS, Simpson T, Kiriakopoulos E, Stewart C, Guthrie B, Wood M, Mikulis D. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of lateral occipitotemporal cortex during pursuit and motion perception. Ann Neurol 1996; 40: 387-98.
- Barton JJS, Sharpe JA, Raymond JE. Directional defects in pursuit and motion perception in humans with unilateral cerebral lesions. Brain 1996; 119: 1535-50.
- Barton JJS, Sharpe JA. Ocular tracking of step-ramp targets by patients with unilateral cerebral lesions. Brain 1998; 121: 1165-83.
- Batelli L, Cavanagh P, Intriligator J, Tramo M, Henaff M-A, Michel F, Barton JJS. Unilateral right parietal brain damage leads to bilateral deficit for high-level motion. Neuron 2001; 32: 985-995.
- Batelli L, Cavanagh P, Martini P, Barton JJS. Bilateral deficits of transient visual attention in right parietal patients. Brain 2003; 126: 2164-2174.
- Stubbs JL, Corrow SL, Kiang B, Panenka WJ, Barton JJS. The effect of enhanced attention and working memory on smooth pursuit eye movements. Exp Brain Res 2018; 236(2), 485-95.
- Stubbs JL, Corrow SL, Kiang BR, JCorrow JC, Pearce HL, Cheng AY, Barton JJS, Panenka WJ. The diagnostic performance of smooth pursuit eye movements for chronic mild traumatic brain injury is improved with concurrent working memory load. Scientific Reports 2019; 9: 921 pp1-11..
Visual agnosia
- Foulsham T, Barton JJS, Kingstone A, Dewhurst R, Underwood G. Fixation and saliency during search of natural scenes: the case of visual agnosia. Neuropsychologia 2009; 47: 1994-2003.
- Foulsham T, Barton JJS, Kingstone A, Dewhurst R, Underwood G. Modeling eye movements in visual agnosia with a saliency map approach: bottom-up guidance or top-down strategy? Neural Networks 2011; 24: 665-77.
- Dietz CD, Albonico A, Tree JJ, Barton JJS. Visual imagery deficits in posterior cortical atrophy. Cogn Neuropsychol 2024, online, in press.
Face perception
- Barton JJS, Keenan JP, Bass T. Discrimination of spatial relations and features in faces: effects of inversion and viewing duration. Brit J Psychol 2001; 92: 527-49.
- Barton JJS, Deepak S, Malik N. Attending to faces: change detection, familiarisation and inversion effects. Perception 2003; 32: 15-28.
- Barton JJS, Zhao J, Keenan JP. Perception of global facial geometry in the inversion effect and prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia 2003; 41: 1703-1711.
- Malcolm GL, Leung C, Barton JJS. Regional variation in the inversion effect for faces: different patterns for feature shape, spatial relations, and external contour. Perception 2005; 34: 1221-31.
- Barton JJS, Radcliffe N, Cherkasova MV, Edelman J, Intriligator JM. Information processing during face recognition: the effects of familiarity, inversion and morphing on scanning fixations. Perception 2006: 353:1089-105
- Fox CJ, Barton JJS. What is adapted in face adaptation? The neural representations of expression in the human visual system. Brain Res 2007; 1127: 80-9.
- Butler A, Oruç I, Fox CJ, Barton JJS. Factors contributing to the adaptation aftereffects of facial expression. Brain Res 2008; 1191:116-26.
- Fox CJ, Oruç I, Barton JJS. It doesn’t matter how you feel. The facial identity aftereffect is invariant to changes in facial expression. J Vision 2008; 8(3): 11, 1-13.
- Sekunova A, Barton JJS. The effects of face inversion on the perception of long-range and local spatial relations in eye and mouth configuration. J Exp Psychol: Human Percept Perform 2008; 34:1129-35.
- Malcolm GL, Lanyon LJ, Fugard A, Barton JJS. Eye movements during the processing of facial expression versus identity: an exploration of task-driven and stimulus-driven effects. J Vision 2008; 8(8) 2: 1-9.
- Fox CJ, Iaria G, Barton J. Defining the face-processing network: optimization of the functional localizer in fMRI. Human Brain Mapping 2009; 30: 1637-51.
- Wright A, Barton JJS. Viewpoint invariance in the discrimination of upright and inverted faces: an assessment of computational predictions. Vision Res 2008; 48: 2545-54.
- Fox CJ, Moon S-Y, Iaria G, Barton JJS. The correlates of subjective perception of identity and expression in the face network: an fMRI adaptation study. Neuroimage 2009; 44: 569-80.
- Rostamirad S, Barton JJS, Oruç I. Center-surround organization of face-space: evidence from contrast-based face-priming. Neuroreport 2009; 20: 1177-82.
- Guo M, Oruç I, Barton JJS. Cross-orientation transfer of adaptation for facial identity is asymmetric: a study using contrast-based recognition thresholds. Vision Res 2009; 49: 2254-60.
- Oruç I, Barton JJS. A novel face aftereffect based on recognition contrast thresholds. Vision Res 2010; 50:1845-54.
- Oruç I, Barton JJS. Critical frequencies in the perception of letters, faces, and novel shapes: evidence for limited scale-invariance for faces. J Vision 2010; 10(12):20, 1-12.
- Oruç I, Guo M, Barton JJS. Gender in facial representations: a contrast-based study of adaptation within and between the sexes. PLoSONE 2011; 6: e16251.
- Oruç I, Barton JJS. Adaptation improves face identity discrimination. Proc Roy Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2011; 278, 2591–2597.
- Lai M, Oruç I, Barton JJS. Facial age aftereffects show partial identity invariance and transfer from hands to faces. Cortex 2012; 48: 477-86.
- Pichler P, Dosani M, Oruç I, Barton JJS. The nature of upright and inverted face representations: an adaptation-transfer study of configuration. Cortex 2012; 48: 725-36.
- Lai M, Oruç I, Barton JJS. The role of skin texture and facial shape in representations of age and identity. Cortex 2013; 49(1): 252-65.
- Sekunova A, Parkinson L, Black MJ, Barton JJS. Viewpoint and pose in body form adaptation. Perception 2013; 42: 176-86.
- Lai J, Pancaroglu R, Oruç I, Barton JJS, Davies-Thompson J. Neuro-anatomic correlates of the feature-saliency hierarchy in face processing: An fMRI-adaptation study. Neuropsychologia 2014; 53: 274-83.
- Hills C, Romano K, Davies-Thompson J, Barton JJS. An adaptation study of internal and external features in facial representations. Vision Res 2014; 100C: 18-28.
- Dalrymple KA, Davies-Thompson J, Oruç I, Handy T, Barton JJS, Duchaine B. Spontaneous perceptual facial distortions correlate with ventral occipitotemporal activity. Neuropsychologia 2014; 59C: 179-91.
- Kiani G, Davies-Thompson J, Barton JJS. Erasing the face after-effect. Brain Res 2014; 1586: 152-61.
- Alonso-Prieto E, Pancaroglu R, Dalrymple KA, Handy T, Barton JJS, Oruç I. Temporal dynamics of the face familiarity effect: Bootstrap analysis of single-subject ERP data. Cogn Neuropsychol 2015; 32: 266-82.
- Alonso-Prieto E, Oruç I, Handy T, Barton JJS. Interactions between the perception of age and ethnicity in faces: an event-related potential study. Cogn Neuropsychol 2015; 32: 368-84.
- Zhu M, Alonso-Prieto E, Handy T, Barton JJS. The brain frequency tuning function for facial emotion discrimination: a ssVEP study. J Vision 2016;16(6):12, 1–14.
- Albonico A, Furubacke A, Barton JJS, Oruc I. Perceptual efficiency and the inversion effect for faces, words and houses. Vision Res 2018; 153: 91-7.
- Hemström J, Albonico A, Djouab S, Barton JJS. Set-size effects for complex objects: visual search for faces, words and cars. Vision Res 2019; 162: 8-19.
- Albonico A, Yu S, Corrow S, Barton JJS. Facial identity and facial speech processing in developmental prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia 2022; 168: 108163.
- Malaspina M, Albonico A, Rahavi A, Barton JJS. An ocular motor index of rapid face recognition: the ‘looking-at-nothing’ effect. Brain Res 2022; 1783: 147839.
- Fransson S, Corrow SL, Yeung S, Schaefer H, Barton JJS. Effects of faces and voices on the encoding of biographic semantic information. In: People recognition through face, voice, name and their interactions. Gainotti G (ed) Brain Sci 2022; 12: 1716, 1-13.
- Karlsson T, Schaefer H, Barton JJS, Corrow SL. Effects of voice and biographic data on face encoding. In: People recognition through face, voice, name and their interactions. Gainotti G (ed) Brain Sci 2023; 13: 148, 1-11.
- Yeung SC, Sidhu J, Youn S, Schaefer HRH, Barton JJS, Corrow, SL. The role of the upper and lower face in the recognition of facial identity in dynamic stimuli. Vision Res 2023; 206: 108194.
Face processing and prosopagnosia
- Barton JJS, Cherkasova M, O'Connor M. Covert and overt recognition in acquired and developmental prosopagnosia. Neurology 2001; 57: 1161-7.
- Barton JJS, Press DZ, Keenan, JP, O'Connor M. Lesions of the fusiform face area impair perception of facial configuration in prosopagnosia. Neurology 2002; 58: 71-8.
- Barton JJS, Cherkasova M, Press DZ, Intriligator J, O'Connor M. Developmental prosopagnosia: a study of three patients. Brain and Cognition 2003; 51: 12-30.
- Barton JJS, Cherkasova M. Face imagery and its relation to perception and covert recognition in prosopagnosia. Neurology 2003; 61: 220-225.
- de Gelder B, Frissen I, Barton J, Hadjikhani N. A modulatory role for facial expressions in prosopagnosia. Proc Nat Acad Sci 2003: 100 (22): 13105-10.
- Joubert S, Felician O, Barbeau E, Sontheimer A, Barton JJS, Ceccaldi M, Poncet M. Impaired configurational processing in a case of progressive prosopagnosia associated with right temporal lobe atrophy. Brain 2003; 126: 2537-50.
- Barton JJS, Cherkasova M, Press DZ, Intriligator J, O'Connor M. Perceptual function in prosopagnosia. Perception 2004; 33: 939-56.
- Barton JJS, Cherkasova MV, Hefter R. The covert priming effect of faces in prosopagnosia. Neurology 2004; 63: 2062-8.
- Barton JJS, Cherkasova MV. Impaired spatial coding within-objects but not between-objects in prosopagnosia. Neurology 2005; 65: 270-4.
- Barton JJS, Radcliffe N, Cherkasova MV, Edelman J. Scan patterns during the processing of facial identity in prosopagnosia. Exp Brain Res 2007; 181: 199-21.
- Barton JJS. Structure and function in acquired prosospagnosia: lessons from a series of ten patients with brain damage. J Neuropsychology 2008; 2: 197-225.
- Barton JJS. Prosopagnosia associated with a left occipitotemporal lesion. Neuropsychologia 2008; 46: 2214-24.
- Fox CJ, Iaria G, Barton JJS. Disconnection in face processing: prosopagnosia and beyond. Cortex 2008; 44: 996-1009.
- Hefter RL, Jerskey BA, Barton JJS. The biasing of figure-ground assignment by shading cues for objects and faces in prosopagnosia. Perception 2008; 37: 1412-25.
- Iaria G, Fox CJ, Waite C, Aharon I, Barton JJS. The contribution of the fusiform gyrus and superior temporal sulcus in processing facial attractiveness: Neuropsychological and neuroimaging evidence. Neuroscience 2008; 155:409-22.
- Barton JJS. What is meant by impaired configural processing in acquired prosopagnosia? Perception 2009; 39: 242-60.
- Barton JJS, Hanif H, Ashraf S. Relating visual to verbal semantic knowledge: the evaluation of object recognition in prosopagnosia. Brain 2009; 132: 3456-66.
- Dalrymple KA, Oruç I, Duchaine B, Fox CJ, Iaria G, Handy TC, Barton JJS. The neuroanatomic basis of the face-selective N170 IN acquired prosopagnosia: a combined ERP/fMRI study. Neuropsychologia 2011; 49: 2553-63.
- Fox CJ, Hanif HM, Iaria G, Duchaine B, Barton JJS. Perceptual deficits in facial identity and expression processing. Neuropsychologia 2011; 49: 3188-200.
- Susilo T, Yovel G, Barton JJS, Duchaine B. Face processing is domain-specific: Evidence from the body inversion effect in acquired prosopagnosia. Cognition 2013;129: 88-94.
- Fox CJ, Iaria G, Duchaine B, Barton JJS. Residual fMRI sensitivity for identity changes in acquired prosopagnosia. In: Aftereffects in face processing, Hills P (ed), Front Psychol 2013; 4 (art756): 1-10.
- Rezlescu C, Susilo T, Barton JJS, Duchaine B. Normal social evaluations of faces in acquired prosopagnosia. Cortex 2014; 50: 200-3.
- Davies-Thompson J, Pancaroglu R, Barton JJS. Acquired prosopagnosia: structural basis and processing impairments. In: Familiar People Recognition Disorders, Gainotti G (ed) Front Bioscience 2014, 6: 159-74.
- Rezlescu C, Barton JJS, Pitcher D, Duchaine B. Normal acquisition of expertise with a novel object class in two cases of acquired prosopagnosia. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 2014; 111: 5123-8.
- Fletcher K, Dalrymple KA, Corrow S, das Nair R, Barton JJS, Yonas A, Duchaine B. “A room full of strangers every day”: The psychosocial impact of developmental prosopagnosia on children and their families. J Psychosom Res 2014; 77: 144-50.
- Liu R, Pancaroglu R, Hills CS, Duchaine B, Barton JJS. Voice recognition in face-blind patients. Cerebral Cortex epub 2016; 26: 1473-1487.
- Hills C, Pancaroglu R, Duchaine B, Barton JJS. Word and text processing in acquired prosopagnosia. Ann Neurol 2015; 78: 258-71.
- Liu RR, Corrow SL, Pancaroglu R, Duchaine B, Barton JJS. The processing of voice identity in developmental prosopagnosia. Cortex 2015; 71: 390-7.
- Barton JJS, Corrow SL. Selectivity in acquired prosopagnosia: the segregation of divergent and convergent parallel operations. In: Functional selectivity in perceptual and cognitive systems – a tribute to Dr. Shlomo Bentin. Deouell L, Malach R, Grill-Spector K, Murray M, Rossion B (eds). Neuropsychologia 2016; 83:76-87.
- Pancaroglu R, Hills C, Sekunova A, Viswanathan J, Duchaine B, Barton JJS. Seeing the eyes in acquired prosopagnosia. Cortex 2016; 81: 251-265.
- Barton JJS, Corrow SL. The problem of being bad with faces. Neuropsychologia, 2016, 89: 119–24.
- Rubino C, Corrow SL, Duchaine B, Barton JJS. Word and text processing in developmental prosopagnosia. Cogn Neuropsychol 2016; 33 (5-6): 315-28.
- Corrow SL, Dalrymple KA, Barton JJS. Prosopagnosia: current perspectives. Eye and Brain 2016; 8: 165-175.
- Davies-Thompson J, Fletcher K, Hills C, Pancaroglu R, Corrow SL, Barton JJS. Perceptual learning of faces: A rehabilitative study in acquired prosopagnosia. J Cogn Neurosci 2017 Mar; 29(3): 573-91.
- Finzi RD, Susilo T, Barton JJS, Duchaine B. The role of holistic face processing in acquired prosopagnosia: evidence from the composite face effect. Visual Cognition 2017; 24(4): 304-20.
- Jiahui G, Garrido L, Liu RR, Susilo T, Barton JJS, Duchaine B. Normal voice processing after posterior superior temporal sulcus lesion. Neuropsychologia 2017; 105: 215-22.
- Paquette S, Li HC, Corrow SL, Buss S, Barton JJS, Schlaug G. Developmental perceptual impairments: Cases when tone-deafness and prosopagnosia co-occur. Front Human Neurosci 2018; 12: (art 438) 1-6.
- Corrow SL, Albonico A, Barton JJS. Diagnosing prosopagnosia: the utility of visual noise in the Cambridge Face Recognition Test. Perception 2018; 47(3): 330-343..
- Barton JJS. Faces and objects, object and faces... Cogn Neuropsychol 2018; 35(1-2): 90-93.
- Corrow SL, Stubbs JL, Schlaug G, Buss S, Paquette S, Duchaine B, Barton JJS. Perception of musical pitch in developmental prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia 2019; 124: 87-97.
- Corrow SL, Davies-Thompson J, Fletcher K, Hills C, Corrow JC, Barton JJS. Training face perception in developmental prosopagnosia through perceptual learning. Neuropsychologia 2019 Sep 19;134:107196.
- Cohen AL, Soussand L, Corrow SL, Martinaud O, Barton JJS, Fox MD. Looking beyond the face area: lesion network mapping of prosopagnosia. Brain 2019; 142(12): 3975-90.
- Barton JJS. Albonico A, Susilo T, Duchaine B, Corrow SL. Object recognition in acquired and developmental prosopagnosia Cogn Neuropsychol 2019; 36 (1-2): 54-84.
- Lee D, Corrow SL, Barton JJS. The scanpaths of subjects with developmental prosopagnosia during a face memory task. In: The development of face processing: insights from typical and atypical functioning. Dalrymple K (ed). Brain Sciences 2019; 9 (8): 188.
- Albonico A, Barton JJS. Progress in perceptual research: the case of prosopagnosia. F1000Research, faculty reviews. 28May2019.
- Djouab S, Albonico A, Yeung SC, Malaspina M, Mogard A, Wahlberg R, Corrow SL, Barton JJS. Search for face identity or expression: set-size effects in developmental prosopagnosia. J Cogn Neurosci 2020; 32(5): 889-905.
- Gerlach C, Susilo T, Barton JJS, Albonico A, Malaspina M, Starrfelt R. Contrasting domain-general and domain-specific accounts in cognitive neuropsychology: An outline of a new approach with developmental prosopagnosia as a case. Behav Res Methods 2022; 54(6): 2829-2842.
- Barton JJS. Stubbs JL, Paquette S, Duchaine B, Schlaug G, Corrow SL. Music perception in acquired prosopagnosia. Neuropsychologia 2023; 183: 108540..
- Rahavi A, Malaspina M, Albonico A, Barton JJS. “Looking at nothing”: an implicit ocular motor index of face recognition in developmental prosopagnosia. Cogn Neuropsychol 2023; 40(2): 59-70.
Multimodal person recognition
- Barton JJS, Corrow SL. Recognizing and identifying people: a neuropsychological review. Cortex, 2016; 75: 132-50.
- Bao C, Corrow SL, Barton JJS. Cross-modal interactions of faces, voices and names in person familiarity. In: Person Perception, O’Toole A, Avidan G, Yovel G (eds). Visual Cognition; 2017; 25: 666-78.
- Fransson S, Corrow SL, Yeung S, Schaefer H, Barton JJS. Effects of faces and voices on the encoding of biographic semantic information. In: People recognition through face, voice, name and their interactions. Gainotti G (ed) Brain Sci 2022; 12: 1716, 1-13.
Face processing in cognitive and autism spectrum disorders
- Barton JJS, Cherkasova MV, Hefter R, Cox TA, O'Connor M, Manoach DS. Are patients with social developmental disorders prosopagnosic? Perceptual heterogeneity in the Asperger and socio-emotional processing disorders. Brain 2004; 127: 1706-16.
- Hefter R, Manoach DS, Barton JJS. Perception of facial expression and facial identity in patients with developmental social processing disorders. Neurology 2005; 65: 1620-5
- Barton JJS, Hefter RL, Cherkasova MV, Manoach DS. Investigations of face expertise in the social developmental disorders. Neurology 2007; 69:860-70.
- Lim TS, Lee HY, Barton JJS, Moon SY. Deficits in face perception in the amnestic form of mild cognitive impairment. J Neurol Sci 2011; 309: 123–127.
- Jiang X, Bollich A, Cox P, Hyder E, James J, Gowani SA, Hadjikhani N, Blanz V, Manoach DS, Barton JJS, Gaillard WD, Riesenhuber M. A quantitative link between face discrimination deficits and neuronal selectivity for faces in autism. Neuroimage: Clinical 2013; 2: 320-31.
Saccades and Antisaccades
- Cherkasova M, Manoach DS, Intriligator J, Barton JJS. Antisaccades and task-shifting: interactions in controlled processing. Exp Brain Res 2002; 144: 528-537.
- Barton JJS, Greenzang C, Hefter R, Edelman J, Manoach DS. Switching, plasticity and prediction in a saccadic task-switch paradigm. Exp Brain Res 2006; 168:76-87.
- Polli FE, Barton JJS, Cain MS, Thakkar KN, Rauch SL, Manoach DS. Rostral and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex make dissociable contributions during antisaccade error commission. Proc Nat Acad Sci 2005; 102: 15700-5.
- Edelman J, Valenzuela N, Barton J. Antisaccade velocity, but not latency, results from a lack of saccade visual guidance. Vision Res 2006; 46(8-9):1411-21.
- Barton JJS, Kuzin A, Polli F, Manoach DS. The use of working memory by task prediction: what benefits accrue from different types of foreknowledge? Neuroscience 2006; 139: 385-92.
- Barton JJS, Raoof M, Jameel O, Manoach DS. Task-switching with antisaccades versus no-go trials: a comparison of inter-trial effects. Exp Brain Res 2006; 172:114-9.
- Manoach DS, Thakkar KN, Cain MS, Polli FE, Edelman JA, Fischl B, Barton JJS. Neural activity is modulated by trial history: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of the effects of a previous antisaccade. J Neurosci 2007; 27: 1791-8
- Moon SY, Barton JJS, Mikulski S, Polli F, Cain MS, Hämäläinen MS, Manoach DS. Where left becomes right: a magnetoencephalographic study of sensorimotor transformation for antisaccades. Neuroimage 2007; 36: 1313-23.
- van Zoest W, van der Stigchel S, Barton JJS. Distractor effects on saccade trajectories: A comparison of prosaccades, antisaccades, and memory-guided saccades. Exp Brain Res 2008; 186: 431-42.
- Koehn JD, Roy E, Barton JJS. The ‘diagonal effect’: a systematic error in oblique antisaccades. J Neurophysiol 2008; 100: 587-97.
- Stufflebeam SM, Witzel T, Mikulski S, Hamalainen MS, Temereanca S, Barton JJ, Tuch DS, Manoach DS. A non-invasive method to relate the timing of neural activity to white matter microstructural integrity. Neuroimage 2008; 42: 710-6.
- Polli FE, Wright CI, Milad MR, Dickerson BC, Vangel M, Barton JJS, Rauch SL, Manoach DS. Hemispheric differences in amygdala contributions to response monitoring. Neuroreport 2009; 20: 398-402.
- Lee H, Abegg M, Rodriguez A, Koehn JD, Barton JJS. Why do subjects make antisaccade errors? Exp Brain Res 2010; 201: 65-73.
- Lee AKC, Hämäläinen MS, Dyckman KA, Edelman JA, Barton JJS, Manoach DS. Saccadic preparation in frontal eye field is modulated by distinct trial history effects as revealed by magnetoencephalography. Cerebral Cortex 2011; 21: 245-53.
- Abegg M, Rodriguez AR, Lee H, Barton JJS. ‘Alternate-goal bias’ in antisaccades and the influence of expectation. Exp Brain Res 2010; 203: 553-62.
- Abegg M, Lee H, Barton JJS. Systematic diagonal and vertical errors in antisaccades and memory-guided saccades. J Eye Mov Res 2010; 3(3):5, 1-10.
- Abegg M, Manoach DS, Barton JJS. Knowing the future: partial foreknowledge effects on the programming of prosaccades and antisaccades. Vision Res 2011; 51: 215-21.
- Abegg M, Sharma N, Barton JJS. Antisaccades generate two types of saccadic inhibition. Biol Psychol 2012; 89: 191-4.
- Rastgardani T, Lau V, Barton JJS, Abegg M. Trial history biases the spatial programming of antisaccades. Exp Brain Res 2012: 222(3):175-83.
- Kloft L, Viswanathan J, Reuter B, Kathmann N, Barton JJS. Response selection in prosaccades, antisaccades, and other volitional saccades. Exp Brain Res 2012; 222: 345-53.
- Viswanathan J, Barton JJS. The global effect for antisaccades. Exp Brain Res 2013; 225: 247–259.
- Agam Y, Carey C, Barton JJS, Dyckman KA, Lee AKC, Vangel M, Manoach DS. Network dynamics underlying the speed accuracy trade-off in inhibitory control. PLoS One 2013; 8(9): e73692: 1-10.
- Rastgardani T, Abegg M, Barton JJS. Stimuli and goals generate opposite inter-trial spatial biases in saccadic programming. J Eye Mov Res 2014; 7(4): 2, 1-7.
- Yeung S, Rubino C, Viswanathan J, Barton JJS. The inter-trial effect of planned but not executed antisaccades. Exp Brain Res 2014; 232: 3699-705.
- Abegg M, Pianezzi D, Barton JJS. A vertical asymmetry in saccades. J Eye Mov Res 2015; 8: 1-10.
- Bär S, Hauf M, Barton JJS, Abegg M. The neural network of saccadic foreknowledge. Exp Brain Res 2016; 234: 409–418.
- Choi WY, Viswanathan J, Barton JJS. The temporal dynamics of the distractor in the global effect. Exp Brain Res 2016; 234(9), 2457-2463..
Antisaccades in neuropsychology: autism and schizophrenia
- Manoach DS, Lindgren KA, Cherkasova MV, Goff DC, Halpern EF, Intriligator J, Barton JJS. Schizophrenic subjects show deficient inhibition but intact task-shifting on saccadic tasks. Biol Psychiatry 2002; 51: 816-825.
- Barton JJS, Cherkasova MV, Lindgren KA, Goff DC, Intriligator J, Manoach DS. Antisaccades and task-shifting: studies of control processes in saccadic function in normal subjects and schizophrenia. Ann NY Acad Sci 2002; 956: 250-263.
- Manoach DS, Lindgren KA, Barton JJS. Deficient saccadic inhibition in Asperger's disorder and the social-emotional processing disorder. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004; 75: 1719-26.
- Ramchandran RS, Manoach DS, Cherkasova MV, Lindgren KS, Barton JJS. The relation of saccadic peak velocity to latency: evidence for a new prosaccadic abnormality in schizophrenia. Exp Brain Res 2004; 159: 99-107.
- Barton JJS, Lindgren KS, Cherkasova MV, Goff DC, Manoach DS. What is perseverated in schizophrenia? Evidence of abnormal response plasticity in the saccadic system. J Abnormal Psychol 2005; 114: 75-84.
- Polli FE, Barton JJS, Vangel MG, Goff DC, Iguchi L, Manoach DS. Schizophrenia patients show intact immediate error-related performance adjustments on an antisaccade task. Schizophrenia Res 2006; 82(2-3):191-201.
- Barton JJS, Manoach DS, Goff D. The inter-trial effects of stimulus and saccadic direction on prosaccades and antisaccades, in controls and schizophrenic patients. Exp Brain Res 2006; 174:487-98.
- Manoach DS, Ketwaroo GA, Polli FE. Thakkar KN, Barton JJS, Goff DC, Fischl B, Vangel M, Tuch DS. Reduced microstructural integrity of the white matter underlying anterior cingulate cortex is associated with increased saccadic latency in schizophrenia. Neuroimage 2007; 37: 599-610.
- Greenzang C, Manoach DS, Goff D, Barton JJS. Task-switching in schizophrenia: intact active task reconfiguration and passive inhibition in an antisaccade paradigm. Exp Brain Res 2007; 181: 493-502
- Polli FE, Barton JJS , Thakkar KN, Cain MS, Goff DC, Rauch SL, Manoach DS. Reduced error-related activation in two anterior cingulate circuits is related to impaired performance in schizophrenia. Brain 2008; 131: 971-86.
- Barton JJS, Pandita M, Thakkar K, Goff D, Manoach DS. The relation between antisaccade errors, fixation stability and prosaccade errors in schizophrenia. Exp Brain Res 2008; 186: 273-82.
- Thakkar KN, Polli FE, Joseph RM, Tuch DS, Hadjikhani N, Barton JJS, Manoach DS. Response monitoring, repetitive behavior, and anterior cingulate abnormalities in autism spectrum disorders. Brain 2008; 131: 2464-78.
- Agam Y, Joseph RM, Barton J, Manoach DS. Reduced cognitive control of response inhibition by the anterior cingulate cortex in autism spectrum disorders. Neuroimage 2010; 52: 336-47.
- Dyckman KA, Lee AKC, Agam Y, Isom M, Friedman J, Goff DC, Barton JJS, Manoach DS. Abnormally persistent fMRI activation during antisaccades in schizophrenia: a neural correlate of perseveration? Schizophrenia Res 2011; 132: 62-8.
- Manoach DS, Lee AKC, Hämäläinen MS, Dyckman KA, Friedman J, Vangel M, Goff DC, Barton JJS. Anomalous use of task context during task preparation in schizophrenia: a magnetoencephalographic study. Biol Psychiatry 2013; 73: 967-75.
Reward processing
- Ross M, Lanyon LJ, Viswanathan J, Manoach DS, Barton JJS. Human prosaccades and antisaccades under risk: effects of penalties and rewards on visual selection and action value. Neuroscience 2011; 196: 168-77.
- Sharp M, Viswanathan J, Lanyon LJ, Barton JJS. Sensitivity and bias in decision-making under risk: evaluating the perception of reward, its probability and value. PLoSONE 2012; 7: e33460: 1-9.
- Sharp ME, Viswanathan J, McKeown MJ, Appel-Cresswell S, Stoessl AJ, Barton JJS. Decisions under risk in Parkinson’s disease: preserved evaluation of probability and magnitude. Neuropsychologia 2013; 51: 2679-89.
- Cherkasova M, Clark L, Barton JJS, Schulzer M, Shafiee M, Kingstone A, Stoessl AJ, Winstanley C. Win-concurrent sensory cues can promote riskier choice. J Neurosci 2018; 38(48):10362-70.
- Cherkasova MV, Corrow JC, Taylor A, Yeung S, Stubbs JL, Stoessl AJ, McKeown M, Creswell SA, Barton JJS. Dopamine replacement remediates risk aversion in Parkinson's disease in a value-independent manner. Parkinson’s and Related Disorders 2019; 66: 189-94.
- Limbrick-Oldfield EH, Cherkasova MV, Kennedy D, Goshko C-B, Griffin D, Barton JJS, Clark L. Gambling disorder is associated with reduced sensitivity to expected value during risky choice. J Behav Addict 2021; 9 (4): 1044-55.
- Cherkasova MV, Limbrick-Oldfield EH, Clark L, Akl A, Barton JJS, Stoessl AJ, Winstanley C. Risk-promoting effects of reward-paired cues in human sign- and goal-trackers. Behav Brain Res 2024; 461: 114865.
ERP methodology
- Oruç I, Krigolson O, Dalrymple K, Nagamatsu LS, Handy TC, Barton JJS. Bootstrap analysis of the single subject with event related potentials. Cogn Neuropsychol 2011; 28: 322-37.
- Barton JJS, Cox TA. Acquired pendular nystagmus in multiple sclerosis: clinical observations and the role of optic neuropathy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1993; 56: 262-7.
- Barton JJS, Sharpe JA. Oscillopsia and horizontal nystagmus with accelerating slow phases after lumbar puncture in Arnold-Chiari malformation. Ann Neurol 1993; 33: 418-21.
- Barton JJS, Rizzo M. Motion perception in optic neuropathy. Neurology 1994; 44: 273-8.
- Barton JJS, Huaman AG, Sharpe JA. Muscarinic antagonists in the treatment of acquired pendular and downbeat nystagmus. A double-blind randomized trial of three intravenous drugs. Ann Neurol 1994; 35: 319-25.
- Barton JJS, Huaman AG, Sharpe JA. Effects of edrophonium on saccadic velocities in myasthenic and non-myasthenic ocular motor palsies. Ann Neurol 1994; 36: 585-94.
- Barton JJS. Is pendular nystagmus always phase-locked? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994; 57: 1263-4.
- Barton JJS, Cox TA, Calne DB. Involuntary ocular deviations and generalized dystonia in multiple sclerosis. J Neuro-Ophthalmol 1994; 14: 160-2.
- Barton JJS, Kardon R, Slagel D, Thompson HS. Bilateral central ptosis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Can J Neurol Sci 1995; 22: 52-5.
- Barton JJS. Blink- and saccade-induced see-saw nystagmus. Neurology 1995; 45: 831-3.
- Barton JJS, Sharpe JA. 'Saccadic jitter' is a quantitative ocular sign in myasthenia gravis. Invest Ophthalmol Visual Sci 1995; 36: 1566-72.
- Barton JJS, Jama A, Sharpe JA. Saccadic duration and intra-saccadic fatigue in myasthenic and non-myasthenic palsies. Neurology 1995; 45: 2065-72.
- Kiriakopoulos E, Gorn R, Barton JJS. Small retinal hemorrhages as the only sign of an intracranial aneurysm. Am J Ophthalmol 1998; 125: 401-3.
- Barton JJS. Quantitative ocular tests for myasthenia gravis: a comparative review with detection theory analysis. J Neurol Sci 1998; 155: 104-14.
- Barton JJS, Cox TA, Digre KB. Acquired convergence-evoked pendular nystagmus in multiple sclerosis. J Neuro-ophthalmol 1999; 19: 34-8.
- Bampoe J, Barton JJS, Bernstein M. Reversal of rapid visual loss in a patient with an imaging-stable diffuse glioma following frontal lobectomy. J Clin Neurosci 1999; 6: 68-70.
- Heaton JM, Barton J, Ranalli P, Tyndel F, Mai R, Rutka JA. Evaluation of the dizzy patient: experience from a multidisciplinary neurotology clinic. J Laryngol Otol 1999; 113: 19-23.
- Barton JJS. Bilateral sectoranopia from osmotic demyelination. Neurology 2001; 57: 2318-9.
- Barton JJS, Intriligator J. Vertical saccades in superior oblique palsy and Brown's syndrome. J Neuro-ophthalmol 2001; 21: 250-5.
- Barton JJS. The symptomatic IV nerve palsy. Neuro-ophthalmology 2004; 28: 171-8.
- Barton JJS. 'Retinal diplopia' associated with macular wrinkling. Neurology 2004; 63: 925-27.
- Barton JJS, Hefter RL, Chang B, Schomer D, Drislane F. The field defects of anterior temporal lobectomy: a quantitative re-assessment of Meyer's loop. Brain 2005; 128: 2123-33.
- Lee MS, Kosmorsky GS, Cook JR, BartonJJS, Briemberg HR. My, what asthenia you have. Survey Ophthalmol 2008; 53:506-11.
- Rodriguez AR, Egan R, Barton JJS. Paroxysmal ocular tilt reaction. Neurology 2009; 72: e67-8.
- Seth A, Anderson DP, Albiani D, Barton JJS. Orbital inflammation and optic neuropathy with zoledronic acid for metastatic prostate cancer. Can J Ophthalmol 2009; 44:467-8.
- Scheel M, Abegg M, Lanyon LJ, Mattman A, Barton JJS. Eye movement and diffusion tensor imaging analysis of treatment effects in a Niemann Pick Type C patient. Mol Genet Metab 2010; 99: 291-5.
- Rodriguez A, Barton JJS. A boy with an unusual pattern of optic disc swelling and visual loss. Neurology 2010; 74; e43-6.
- Barton JJS, Maguire J, Mezei M, Briemberg HR. Mitochondrial pseudo-myasthenia. J Neuroophthalmol 2010; 30: 248-51.
- Pfeffer G, Abegg M, Vertinsky AT, Ceccherini I, Caroli F, Barton JJS. The ocular motor features of adult-onset Alexander disease: a case and review of the literature. J Neuroophthalmol 2011; 31: 155-9.
- Tung, JD, Oh S-R, Kikkawa DO, Gruber AB, Barton JJS, Briemberg HR. The man who could not see what he could not eat. Survey Ophthalmol 2011; 24(6): 665-77.
- Patel RP, Volpi J, Barton JJS, Lee AG. Once upon a cataract surgeon. Survey Ophthalmol 2012; 57(4): 379-85.
- Ogun O, Sheldon C, Barton JJS. Maternally inherited diabetes and deafness presenting with ptosis and macular pattern dystrophy. Neurology 2012; 79: e54-6.
- Davies-Thompson J, Scheel M, Lanyon LJ, Barton JJS. Functional organization of visual pathways in a patient with no optic chiasm. Neuropsychologia 2013; 51: 1260-72.
- Chen Y, Morgan ML, Barros Palau AE, Lee AG, Barton JJS. Downbeat down south. Survey Ophthalmol 2015; 60(2): 177-81.
- Plant GT, Barton JJS. Obituary. Dr James Arthur Sharpe. Neuro-ophthalmology 2015; 39: 57-8.
- Rodriguez A, Barton JJS. The 20/20 patient who can’t read. Can J Ophthalmol 2015; 50: 257-64.
- Pellegrini F, Prosdocimo G, Barton JJS. The pescatorial sixth. Surv Ophthalmo, 2016 Mar-Apr; 61(2): 248-54.
- Ahmad KE, Fraser CL, Sue CM, Barton JJS. Beyond what the eye can see. Surv Ophthalmol 2016; 61(5): 674-9.
- Davies-Thompson J, Vavasour I, Scheel M, Rauscher A, Barton JJS. Reduced myelin water in the cerebral white matter of patients with Niemann Pick type C. Am J Neuroradiology 2016; 37(8): 1487-9.
- Khayambashi S, Fridhandler J, Teal P, Barton JJS, Mann S. Thalamic infarct with vertical and pseudo-abducens gaze palsies and an unusual stroke mechanism. Neurology 2016; 87(6): e60.
- Lichtenstein ML, Dwosh E, Roychowdhury A, Farrer MJ, McKenzie MB, Guella I, Evans DM, Nygaard H, Shewchuk JR, Hayden S, Barton JJS, Feldman HH. Neurobehavioral characterization of adult-onset Alexander disease: a family study. Neurol Clin Practice 2017; 7(5): 425-9.
- Docherty G, Eslami M, Jiang K, Barton JJS. Bilateral carotid cavernous sinus fistula; a case report and review of the literature. J Neurol 2018 Mar;265(3):453-459.
- Barton JJS. Vision: it’s about the brain. J Neuroophthalmol 2018; 38: 271-5.
- Alkabie S, Lange A, Manogaran P, Stoessl AJ, Costello F, Barton JJS. Optical coherence tomography in Parkinson disease and progressive supranuclear palsy. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2020; 189: 105635.
- Barton JJ. Ranalli PJ. Vision therapy: ocular motor training in mild traumatic brain injury. Ann Neurol 2020; 88(3): 453-61.
- Barton JJS. Ranalli PJ. Vision therapy: occlusion, prisms, filters and vestibular exercises for mild traumatic brain injury. Survey Ophthalmol 2021 Mar-Apr;66(2):346-53.
- Fok A, Barton JJS. Teaching video neuroimage: bilateral horizontal gaze palsies with vertical ocular dysmetria froma demyelinating lesion of the pontine tegmentum. Neurology 2021; 97: e1868-e1869.
- Rock O, Albonico A, Javadian F, Ashkenani M, Taylor A, Dreyer M, Barton JJS. Oblique saccades in internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Exp Brain Res 2022; 240: 861-9.
- Barton JJS. Cerebral visual loss. In: Neuroophthalmology. Lal V, Ray S (eds). Ann Ind Acad Neurol 2022; 25 (Suppl 2) S106-112.
Neurology, public policy
- Kirby S, Weston L, Barton JJS, Buske L, Chauhan TS. Canadian Neurological Society Manpower Survey 2012. Can J Neurol Sci 2016; 43: 227-237.
- Subramanian PS, Barton JJS, Ranalli P, Smith C, Francis CE, Frishberg B. Consensus statement on visual rehabilitation in mild traumatic brain injury. Neurol Clin Practice 2022; 12(6): 422-8.
- Barton JJS, Benatar M. Field of Vision: a manual and atlas of perimetry. Humana Press, Totowa NJ, 2003.
- Barton JJS, Rizzo M (ed). Vision and Brain I. Neurology Clinics of North America, 21(2), WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 2003.
- Barton JJS, Rizzo M (ed). Vision and Brain II. Neurology Clinics of North America, 21(3) WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 2003.
- Barton JJS. eTextbook of Eye movements. In:
- Barton JJS, Leff A (eds). Neurology of vision and visual disorders. Volume 178, third series. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Aminoff MJ, Boller, F, Swaab DF. Elsevier, 2021.
Chapters in print publications
Visual neuropsychology
- Barton JJS, Rizzo M. Visual dysfunction from lesions of the cerebral cortex. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA (ed.): Duane's Foundations of Clinical Ophthalmology, Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 1996, Vol 2, Chapter 22, pp. 1-44.
- Rizzo M, Barton JJS. Central disorders of visual function. In: Miller NR, Newman NJ (ed.): Walsh and Hoyt's Neuro-ophthalmology. 5th edition. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1998, Vol 1, Chapter 9, pp. 387-483.
- Barton JJS. Higher cortical visual function. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology 1998; 9: VI: 40-45.
- Rizzo M, Barton JJS. Retrochiasmal visual pathways and higher cortical visual function. In: Glaser JS (ed), Neuro-ophthalmology. 3rd edition. Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 1999, pp. 239-91.
- Barton JJS. Prosopagnosia and other disorders of face perception. In: Sinha KK, Chandra P (eds): Advances in Clinical Neurosciences 2000; 10: 355-76.
- Stasheff S, Barton JJS. Higher cortical visual dysfunction. Ophthalmol Clin North Am 2001; 14: 217-42.
- Barton JJS, Caplan L. Cerebral visual dysfunction. In: Caplan L, Bougousslavsky J (eds): Stroke Syndromes, 2nd edition. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp 87-110.
- Barton JJS. Eye movements and brain damage. In: M Behrmann (section editor): Volume 4. Disorders of visual behaviour, of Boller F, Grafman J (eds): Handbook of Neuropsychology, second edition. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2001, pp 15-44.
- Barton JJS. Disorders of face perception and recognition. In: Barton JJS, Rizzo M, Vision and the Brain 1, Neurologic Clinics 2003; 21: 521-548.
- Barton JJS. Color and form vision. in: Aminoff MJ, Daroff, RB (eds), Encyclopedia of the neurological sciences, Vol 4, pp 686-690, Academic Press, San Diego, 2003.
- Barton JJS. Motion and spatial perception. in: Aminoff MJ, Daroff, RB (eds), Encyclopedia of the neurological sciences, Vol 3, pp 215-218, Academic Press, San Diego, 2003.
- Barton JJS. Visual dysfunction. In: Rizzo M, Eslinger PJ (ed), Principles and Practice of Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology, 267-290, Harcourt and Brace 2004.
- Rizzo M, Barton JJS. Central disorders of visual function. In: Miller NR, Newman NJ, Biousse V, Kerrison J (ed.): Walsh and Hoyt's Neuro-ophthalmology. 6th edition. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore 2005.
- Barton JJS. Chapitre 13. La reconnaissance implicite dans la prosopagnosie. In: E. Barbeau, O. Felician, S. Joubert (Eds). Traitement et reconnaissance des visages : du percept à la personne. pp 337-66, Solal, Marseille, 2008.
- Iaria G, Barton JJS. Neuropsychology of Perception. In: Goldstein EB (ed), Encyclopedia of Perception. Sage Publications, 2010, pp 632-7.
- Barton JJ. Disorders of colour and object recognition: syndromes of the ventral occipitotemporal pathway. In: Grossman M (ed), Behavioural/cognitive Neurology, In: AAN Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2010; 16(4): 111-27.
- Kanwisher N, Barton JJS. The Functional Architecture of the Face System: Integrating Evidence from fMRI and Patient Studies. In: Haxby J, Johnson M, Rhodes G, Calder A (eds), Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2011, pp 111-30.
- Barton JJS. Disorders of higher visual processing. In: Aminoff MJ, Boller F, Swaab RF (eds), Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 3rd Series 2011, 102: 223-61.
- Barton JJS. Disorders of higher visual function. Current Opinion in Neurology 2011; 24: 1-5.
- Barton JJS, Caplan L. Chapter 7: Cerebral visual dysfunction. In: Caplan L, van Gijn J (eds): Stroke Syndromes, 3rd edition. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp 75-97.
- Barton JJS. Chapter 18: Disorders of higher visual function. In: Kline L, Foroozan R (eds), Neuro-ophthalmology Review Manual, 7th edition, Slack Publishing Company, Thorofare NJ, 2012, pp 245-256.
- Barton JJS. Visual color and form perception. in: Aminoff MJ, Daroff, RB (eds), Encyclopedia of the neurological sciences, 2nd edition, Academic Press, San Diego, 2014, pp 677-80.
- Barton JJS. Visual motion and spatial perception. in: Aminoff MJ, Daroff, RB (eds), Encyclopedia of the neurological sciences, 2nd edition, Academic Press, San Diego, 2014, pp 704-6.
- Barton JJS. Visual system, central. in: Aminoff MJ, Daroff, RB (eds), Encyclopedia of the neurological sciences, 2nd edition, Academic Press, San Diego , 2014, pp 714-6.
- Barton JJS. Higher cortical visual deficits. In: Rucker JC (ed), Neuro-ophthalmology In: AAN Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2014, 20 (4): 922-41.
- Starrfelt R, Barton JJS. Prosopagnosia. In: Della Sala, S. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioural Neuroscience, 2nd edition, vol. 2, 2021, pp 597-604.
- Barton JJS. Motion perception and its disorders. In: Barton JJS, Leff A (eds). Neurology of vision and visual disorders. Volume 178, third series. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Aminoff MJ, Boller, F, Swaab DF. Elsevier, 2021.
- Barton JJS, Davies-Thompson J, Corrow SL.. Prosopagnosia and disorders of face processing. In: Barton JJS, Leff A (eds). Neurology of vision and visual disorders. Volume 178, third series. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Aminoff MJ, Boller, F, Swaab DF. Elsevier, 2021.
- Leff A, Barton JJS. Rehabilitation of visual disorders. In: Barton JJS, Leff A (eds). Neurology of vision and visual disorders. Volume 178, third series. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Aminoff MJ, Boller, F, Swaab DF. Elsevier, 2021.
- Barton JJS. Face processing in the temporal lobe. In: Micelli G, Bartolomeo P, Navarro V (eds). The temporal lobe. Volume 187, third series. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Aminoff MJ, Boller, F, Swaab DF. Elsevier, 2022, pp 191-210.
- Barton JJS. Chapter 20. Cortical visual disorders. In: Lal V. A clinical approach to neuro-ophthalmic disorders. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2022, pp 249-268.
- Barton JJS, Corbett JJ. Vascular neuro-ophthalmologic emergencies in the elderly. Geriatric Clinics of North America, 1991; 7: 525-47.
- Barton JJS. A triangular concept of the ethics of health care delivery: access, autonomy, and cost-containment. Medical Reform 1994; 14: 7-11.
- Barton JJS. The visual pathway from optic chiasm to striate cortex. In: Rosen ES, Eustace P, Thompson HS, Cumming WJK (ed.): Neuro-ophthalmology. Mosby, London, 1998, Chapter 14, pp. 14.1-14.13.
- Barton JJS. Infranuclear and nuclear ocular motor palsies. In: Rosen ES, Eustace P, Thompson HS, Cumming WJK (ed.): Neuro-ophthalmology. Mosby, London, 1998, Chapter 15, pp. 15.1-15.13.
- Barton JJS, Fouladvand M. Ocular aspects of myasthenia gravis. in Seminars in Neurology 2000; 20 (1): 7-20.
- Barton JJS. Vertigo and vestibular function. Review of Ophthalmology 2000; 7 (9): 56-64.
- Newman NJ, Galetta S, Biousse V, Barton JJS, Fletcher WA, Jacobson DM. Neuro-ophthalmology Update, in: AAN Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2003.
- Barton JJS. Diplopia. In: Henderson M, Tierney L (ed), The complete patient history - an evidence-based approach, Lange 2005, pp 523-530.
- Fouladvand M, Ledoux D, Barton JJS. Ocular myasthenia gravis. Comprehensive Ophthalmology Update 2005; 6: 25-36.
- Barton JJS, Sexton B. Chapter 279: Examination of the visual field. In: Albert D, Miller J, Azar D, Blodi B (eds), Albert and Jakobiec’s Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology, 3rd edition, 2008, pp 3817-38.
- Barton JJS. Neuropathies and internuclear disorders. In: Eggenberger E, Cornblath W (eds), Neuro-ophthalmology Update, in: AAN Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2009; 15(4): 168-87.
- Barton JJS. Chapter 60: Diplopia. In: Tierney LM, Henderson M (ed), The Patient History: evidence-based approach, 2nd edition, Lange 2012, pp 623-32.
- Sheldon C, Barton JJS. Chapter 103. Third nerve palsy. In: Ettinger Am Weisbrot D (eds), Neurologic Differential Diagnosis, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2014, pp 642-7.
- SuttonBrown M, Barton JJS. Chapter 28.Neuro-ophthalmological disorders. In: Demaerschalk B, Wingerchuk D, Uitdehaag B, Candelise L (eds), Evidence-based Neurology: Management of Neurological Disorders, 2nd edition, BMJ Books, 2015, pp 291-302
- Barton JJS. Chapter 8. Eye movement and visual search in hemianopia. In: K Skorkovska (ed), Homonymous Visual Field Defects, Springer, 2017, pp 121-33.
- Barton JJS, Girkin CA, Vaphiades MS. Chapter 18: Disorders of higher visual function. In: Foroozan R, Vaphiades MS (eds), Kline’s Neuro-ophthalmology Review Manual, 8th edition, Slack Publishing Company, Thorofare NJ, 2017, pp 247-259..
- Wirth M, Barton JJS. Examination of the visual field. In: Albert D, Miller J, Azar D, Young LH (eds), Albert and Jakobiec’s Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology, 4th edition, Saunders/Elsevier, 2021, 1-43.
Electronic chapters
- Branch WT, Barton JJS. Approach to the patient with dizziness, UptoDate, 1998.
- Barton JJS. Furman J. Evaluation of vertigo, UptoDate, 1999.
- Furman J, Barton JJS. Treatment of vertigo, UptoDate, 1998.
- Barton JJS. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. UptoDate, 1999.
- Barton JJS. Overview of nystagmus, UptoDate, 1998.
- Barton JJS. Jerk nystagmus. UptoDate, 1999.
- Barton JJS. Pendular nystagmus, UptoDate, 1999.
- Rizzo M, Barton JJS. Retrochiasmal visual pathways and higher cortical function. In: Tasman W, Jaeger E (ed) Duanes' Clinical Ophthalmology on CD-ROM, Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
- Barton JJS. Alexia without agraphia. in: Gilman S (ed), Neurobase (CD-ROM), 2001.
- Barton JJS. Vertical gaze palsy. in: Gilman S (ed), Neurobase (CD-ROM), 2001.
- Barton JJS. Horizontal gaze palsy. in: Gilman S (ed), Neurobase (CD-ROM), 2001.
- Barton JJS. Neuroophthalmology III: Eye movements. In: Joynt R, Griggs R (ed), Baker's Clinical Neurology on CD-ROM, Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 2002.
- Fouladvand M, Barton JJS. Multiple ocular motor nerve palsies. in: Gilman S (ed), Neurobase (CD-ROM), 2002.
- Rizzo M, Barton JJS. Retrochiasmal visual pathways and higher cortical function. In: Tasman W, Jaeger E (ed) Duanes' Clinical Ophthalmology on CD-ROM, Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 2005.
- Abegg M, Barton JJS. Visual dysfunction from lesions of the cerebral cortex. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA (ed.): Duane's Foundations of Clinical Ophthalmology on CD-ROM, Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins, 2010.
- Barton JJS. Face perception. eLS: citable reviews in the life sciences, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester, 15 Jan 2016
- Barton JJS. Visual agnosias. Medlink Neurology 2022.